Based on the official report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), there are more than 23 million Americans in need of treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction. The official information from 2012 shows that only 11% received the help they needed in that year. In 2016, the number can only have increased. With over 14,000 active treatment centers in the United States, we can assess that there should be close to 700,000 clients seeking help. Most of the treatment centers are already operating at max capacity. It would take every treatment center to turn each bed 65 times to address all 23 million treatment seekers. Calculating this with a 28 day program and assuming there is 100% efficiency, it would take 5 years to treat all the clients. No wonder we are losing the war on drugs and addiction.
Our Mission
This is where Live Rich Association and the LiveFree Online Addiction Recovery Training comes in. We recognize the opportunity and our ability to help by providing faster and possibly even more effective care. If at the same time we can do it more affordably with easier access for our clients then we have a win-win. That is what the Live Rich Association is all about. Formed by enthusiasts with personal reasons and motivation, backed by years of experience, for a fraction of the cost, going live and online the LiveFree Online Addiction Recovery Training is able to impact many lives more effectively.
We will help our clients reignite the passion for life and show them how to keep the flame burning at all times regardless of what new challenges their life can bring. By making personal growth our absolute priority, anything that can dim the passion for life becomes obsolete.

Welcome to LiveFree, a revolutionary Online Addiction Recovery Training powered by Live Rich Association – Dean Stojic, Founder & CEO