Serving ones in recovery since 2016
We do not treat addiction, we treat life!
When the opportunity comes your way,
take the responsibility and grab it!
Free resources waiting for you
Make a step toward your sober life and, get to know us and our methodology from the first hand
3 Days Free Trial
Three-day trial allows you to explore first three days of our training, to confirm that it is the right fit for you.
Guided meditation box
A new you hypnosis.>>>>>
Download it and save it on your phone!
EFT E-book and video manual
How to use EFT for relief from addictive cravings, withdrawal symptoms, anxiety, pain and upsetting memories
Quit addiction from the comfort of your home
Make it easy for you to stay sober with
LiveFree 21 day Online Recovery Training.
Our training is designed to support and fortify your recovery.
It is based on 25 years of practice and success working with thousands of alcoholics and addicts.
21 Day Live Free Online Addiction Recovery Training uses a combination of cutting-edge NRT, Hypnosis, and NLP techniques alongside AA’s 12-step program to provide the most inclusive training on the planet.
It is 21 days, ONLINE, from home, and it works.